Wednesday, December 14, 2011

GOODBYE:( by Landes

Well folks this last year has been a wild ride. Lae and I have done many things with you and hopefully you enjoyed your time on our blog. I mean we taught you how to use a mini chain saw to open a soda can. We showed you how much we hate n00bs! You learned the reason how we have mastered Pokemon. How much we look up to the Mario Brothers. The way we admire Rebecca Black with a passion. Lae taught you about procrastinating and scary monsters. We showed how deprived Ireland is of sex jokes. We showed you what Facebook is most useful for and the reason why Spongebob will live on in us all. We also showed you the aggressiveness Lae has when waking me up, but I'm use to it. I am very sad to say that this will be our last post of 2011:( We hope we have done what we set out to do and we had tons of fun doing it. Most importantly, like more important than cookies, we hope we made you laugh. We get it, we're stupid but you know what that's ok, because now we can be your entertainment!! We are sorry we didn't get to make all of the videos we said we would but hey were teenagers, what did you expect? Thank you for everything!! and to ALL a GOODNIGHT!!

Waking Landes up by Lae

The other day, I was thinking about ways I could get Landes to wake up with a great surprise so he can be wide awake fresh out of bed. As I pondered in my wee little cottage I saw a goat walk down our path carrying a barrel of goodies. I stopped the goat hoping to get lucky and find a nice object to make Landes up with. Seaching deep in the depths of the barrel I found exactly the tool to do the job. A nice crowbar. I gracefully steeped into Landes room and beat him in the face with that crowbar once i stopped, i spit in his wounds in his face and screamed profanity into his hear. the best part of the whole thing was the fact that he was trying to figure out how I got the crow bar in the first place.  

Spongebob By Lae

Have you ever wanted to go to the sea floor and see if you could find a talking sponge. I know I have! You see Spongebob is a miracle sponge full of magic and scientific confusion. About 12 years ago a gypsy put some of her weird magic into her kitchen sponge hoping it would advance the cleaning of her dirty plates, but instead it turned her sponge into a talking miracle. Scientists have been baffled by this for years trying to uncode the mystery of this life form. Then they found out there was no gypsy and Spongebob is just a cartoon character on a network for children. Why these scientists were watching a childrens netwrok, we will never know...

Facebook by Lae

Now Facebook is a great tool. You can connect with friends, shows people who you are dating and can just express how you feel at that moment of time. But the most important thing about Facebook is the amount of people you can staulk on it. You can get people's numbers and prank call them! I love prank calling people. Especially when you call them and say your refrigerator is running and you better go catch it, that's the best one ever. My father actually invented that joke, and yes i said invented. You can actually like his jokes on Facebook! funny how all of the is randomness led into a great big circle, classic stuff right there!

Spongebob by Landes

oh Spongebob this is our ultimate tribute to you. You have enriched our lives with your constant positivity and the ability to find fun in any situation. Without you the world wouldn't have survived the way it did. I mean you discovered fire, UNDERWATER!! Nobody else in the world can say that they did that. You gave us the constant laughs as we tried to play our noses as flutes but ended up hurting ourselves. You taught us how to deal with the everyday asshole in a way that not only affects us but also him. You and Patrick have spoken to us with your smart intelligent words and have truly change us. I remember asking my mom for a Krabby Patty and then saying gross because i don't know whats in it. I mean they never actually told is because Plankton is just a failure at life. But seriously in the ocean there isn't anything but fish. So if that's the meat you use on your Krabby Pattys isn't that just cannibalism? Whether it is or not we are forever in your debt, Spongebob Squarepants.

Facebook by Landes

Hello world of the wide web, thank you for taking a break from your homework to read our blogs...HAHAHA jk i know every single one of you has facebook open in the other tab. How do i know this? Because i too have been sucked into the curse they call facebook. Bookfacing is like lets read a personal diary daily. Nobody wants to know why your life sucks right now! Honestly i just use facebook for creeping on people. Its all its good for! I mean seriously, it gives is constant feed from everyone i know! Everybody creeps and you cant say you dont. Because your a liar and liars go to heaven. I mean hell sorry about that, but ya stop that.

Being woken up by Landes

Hello folks of the internet. Its Landes here bringing the next series of postings. Well you see everybody uses an alarm clock to wake up, is that fair to say?? Oh wait i don't care. But this morning was the strangest wake up call i have ever gotten. You see, Lae, over there thought it would be the dandiest idea to wake me up by getting a crowbar and beating my face in with it. He then spit in my face and told me to get up. Now i was quite shocked by the way he woke me up but i was even more shocked by the fact that he had a crowbar!! WE DON'T OWN A CROWBAR!!! This was a mystery that only the meddling kids of the Scooby Doo gang could solve but apparently they don't exist in this establishment!! Such racists.