Wednesday, December 14, 2011

GOODBYE:( by Landes

Well folks this last year has been a wild ride. Lae and I have done many things with you and hopefully you enjoyed your time on our blog. I mean we taught you how to use a mini chain saw to open a soda can. We showed you how much we hate n00bs! You learned the reason how we have mastered Pokemon. How much we look up to the Mario Brothers. The way we admire Rebecca Black with a passion. Lae taught you about procrastinating and scary monsters. We showed how deprived Ireland is of sex jokes. We showed you what Facebook is most useful for and the reason why Spongebob will live on in us all. We also showed you the aggressiveness Lae has when waking me up, but I'm use to it. I am very sad to say that this will be our last post of 2011:( We hope we have done what we set out to do and we had tons of fun doing it. Most importantly, like more important than cookies, we hope we made you laugh. We get it, we're stupid but you know what that's ok, because now we can be your entertainment!! We are sorry we didn't get to make all of the videos we said we would but hey were teenagers, what did you expect? Thank you for everything!! and to ALL a GOODNIGHT!!

Waking Landes up by Lae

The other day, I was thinking about ways I could get Landes to wake up with a great surprise so he can be wide awake fresh out of bed. As I pondered in my wee little cottage I saw a goat walk down our path carrying a barrel of goodies. I stopped the goat hoping to get lucky and find a nice object to make Landes up with. Seaching deep in the depths of the barrel I found exactly the tool to do the job. A nice crowbar. I gracefully steeped into Landes room and beat him in the face with that crowbar once i stopped, i spit in his wounds in his face and screamed profanity into his hear. the best part of the whole thing was the fact that he was trying to figure out how I got the crow bar in the first place.  

Spongebob By Lae

Have you ever wanted to go to the sea floor and see if you could find a talking sponge. I know I have! You see Spongebob is a miracle sponge full of magic and scientific confusion. About 12 years ago a gypsy put some of her weird magic into her kitchen sponge hoping it would advance the cleaning of her dirty plates, but instead it turned her sponge into a talking miracle. Scientists have been baffled by this for years trying to uncode the mystery of this life form. Then they found out there was no gypsy and Spongebob is just a cartoon character on a network for children. Why these scientists were watching a childrens netwrok, we will never know...

Facebook by Lae

Now Facebook is a great tool. You can connect with friends, shows people who you are dating and can just express how you feel at that moment of time. But the most important thing about Facebook is the amount of people you can staulk on it. You can get people's numbers and prank call them! I love prank calling people. Especially when you call them and say your refrigerator is running and you better go catch it, that's the best one ever. My father actually invented that joke, and yes i said invented. You can actually like his jokes on Facebook! funny how all of the is randomness led into a great big circle, classic stuff right there!

Spongebob by Landes

oh Spongebob this is our ultimate tribute to you. You have enriched our lives with your constant positivity and the ability to find fun in any situation. Without you the world wouldn't have survived the way it did. I mean you discovered fire, UNDERWATER!! Nobody else in the world can say that they did that. You gave us the constant laughs as we tried to play our noses as flutes but ended up hurting ourselves. You taught us how to deal with the everyday asshole in a way that not only affects us but also him. You and Patrick have spoken to us with your smart intelligent words and have truly change us. I remember asking my mom for a Krabby Patty and then saying gross because i don't know whats in it. I mean they never actually told is because Plankton is just a failure at life. But seriously in the ocean there isn't anything but fish. So if that's the meat you use on your Krabby Pattys isn't that just cannibalism? Whether it is or not we are forever in your debt, Spongebob Squarepants.

Facebook by Landes

Hello world of the wide web, thank you for taking a break from your homework to read our blogs...HAHAHA jk i know every single one of you has facebook open in the other tab. How do i know this? Because i too have been sucked into the curse they call facebook. Bookfacing is like lets read a personal diary daily. Nobody wants to know why your life sucks right now! Honestly i just use facebook for creeping on people. Its all its good for! I mean seriously, it gives is constant feed from everyone i know! Everybody creeps and you cant say you dont. Because your a liar and liars go to heaven. I mean hell sorry about that, but ya stop that.

Being woken up by Landes

Hello folks of the internet. Its Landes here bringing the next series of postings. Well you see everybody uses an alarm clock to wake up, is that fair to say?? Oh wait i don't care. But this morning was the strangest wake up call i have ever gotten. You see, Lae, over there thought it would be the dandiest idea to wake me up by getting a crowbar and beating my face in with it. He then spit in my face and told me to get up. Now i was quite shocked by the way he woke me up but i was even more shocked by the fact that he had a crowbar!! WE DON'T OWN A CROWBAR!!! This was a mystery that only the meddling kids of the Scooby Doo gang could solve but apparently they don't exist in this establishment!! Such racists.

why water is bad by Landes

So how about that stuff called water these days?? I mean seriously who decides to drink water when you have such healthier stuff you can drink instead? I mean like water makes people get small pox and that’s just from drinking it, you don’t want to see what happens when you eat it!! It’s really bad then. I mean water doesn’t even have a color to it so it could pretty much be anything some creeper decides to put into a bottle. My friend, Lae , is right. The government has secretly been using water to keep is from living eternally. We know we were there. It was a dark scary night and we had decided to pay the government a visit. There Obama and Bush were dumping out all of their water saying, “haha now we shall live forever!!” so please if you would be so kind as to stop drinking all of your and drink stuff like rabbit blood. It’s good for high cholesterol. 

my 6th post that happens to go along with Lae's 9th post which is weird because we didnt plan this and it just happened out of no where but this should be in my blog not the Landes

Today is a historic day in the lands of west Ireland. Today my brother, Lae, has received a letter stating what exactly 69 is. The thing is no one in Ireland has ever heard of such a thing as 69. They always here about the 82ing but really thats like nothing. All you do us draw an eight and a two on a piece of paper. Hopefully this letter will finally give us Irish folk the answer to the infamous 69. Ahh yes now here comes my brother and his brother and his sister and her brother who happens to be Antonio Franco's third cousin 8 times removed. He gets removed a lot but its ok because no one really knows what that means. "Landes, I Lae have finally discovered what 69 is and i think we should read for the first time now." "Wha...whaat is that!! ahhhhhhhh!!!"

Me, 9 posts and Landes 6, 69? By lae

You see Landes and I make this thing that people talk about all the time, 69. It wasn't planned to be this way with the posts but somehow it did, and someone pointed it out for me. This joke would be pretty funny if I actually knew what 69 meant! People talk about it all the time around me and i just get so confused. It's probably because i grew up in a small little village in a single room house surrounded by my 7 older brothers and sisters and my 5 younger brothers and sisters. You see, in Ireland this is normal for a family, you always see big clusters of families in small house. In fact it's not even house, it's a cottage. And let me tell you, they are wee little cottages too. So back to this 60 thing, if anyone could leave me a comment or shoot me a letter to Ireland so one of my brothers or sisters could give it too me that would just tickle me fancy eh!

Scary monsters By Lae

Now personally, I believe in monsters. The big scary ones, the creepy tiny ones. But I'm not talking about the monsters that you see everyday like serial killers or rapists, I am talking about the ones that are in the stories. Why do I believe in these monsters you ask? Well it is because they are real. They sleep in my closet and under my bed, oh and one of them doesn't sleep it just stands over me and stares deep into my eyes. It is some freaky stuff! They always wake me up to. They take a towel, get it wet, but not too wet. They twist the towel so it's like a whip, then they actually whip me in the face. It is extremely painful! sometimes they get me in my eye or up my nostril! It's annoying how many bandages I have to put on my face. If you want to see, come on over sometime!

Why water is bad for you By Lae

Water is one of the worst things you could ever put into your body! For one, it's clear so you don't know if its poison or something worse like goat spit. You would have no clue because they all look the same. Two, you don't kn ow where that water has been, some guy could havetaken it from California's tap water and put it in a bottle and say it's the best water from some fancy place like France. would you know the difference, no because it's water! Three, if you drink so much water, your pee is clear, how are you supposed to know if your kidney is working or not if your pee is clear! You couldn't tell! I mean if you have too much red bull or something, at least it turns green saying that your insides are still working. And last but not least, how do you know that the government isn't lying to you or not. You don't because the government has brain washed you. That's right i said it! They just want us to all die, in fact we would be immortal if we didn't drink water. The government is just trying to rule us all, but that's not going to stop me! So know do you want to drink water anymore? I didn't think so.

why you shouldn't procrastinate... By Lae

Procrastination is a great word to describe why I am writing this blog post right now. I just took my sweet little time saying oh I’ll get to it. No, I never did, until now which happens to be the day before I am supposed to present my blog to the class. I don't usually procrastinate but I was piled with homework and different projects that I just decided to not do this one, stupid right? Well it was and now I have to pay for it. Well now I am just rambling, a good thing us procrastinators do. Now what's your story about procrastination, everyone has done it!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rebecca Black is a legend by Lae

Recently I have listened to Rebecca Black's song, It's Friday, and I am just in Love. she is the most talented singer in the world. In fact, the reason she is so good, is because she speaks from the heart. She sings about everything that she fully believes in. Like how she loves Friday, and the weekend. Oh and the music video is just amazing, she can make everyone just stand up and dance along; however, most of you shouldn't... you know who you are. Rebecca's song is just amazing, like who doesn't look forward to the weekend. unless you have like a prostate exam or something I don't know. But still it's the weekend just party. In conclusion, Rebecca Black is an amzing singer, and over all the best thing that has ever happened to music history, besides Justin Beiber of course!

Just kidding, they suck. Did you seriously believe that? noobs.

Rebecca Black the singing god by Landes

Rebecca Black is the reason of all happiness in life. She delivers music so beautiful and sensational it makes everybody want to get down on Friday. She crashed the music world when she came out with her number one hit, Friday. It clearly illustrates what everybody does on their Friday. I mean they do see their friends and then have a hard time deciding what seat to take. It also shows the revolution in getting 14 year olds the ability to drive legally. I mean when i wake up at 7 am i gotta be fresh and then go downstairs. Also when I'm partying and partying everybody around me is yelling YA! She put into words what every person in the world is excited about. Well everybody but Zimbabwe, but really they party on Mondays so its ok. But everyone looks forward to the weekend which she actually says in her song! She could be the next Justin Bieber, if there ever was one. She deserves to win a ton of Oscars before she dies and even after she dies she will be enshrined in the musical Hall of Fame.

...Just kidding

Mario Bros. by lae

Have you ever imagined being one of the two brothers from the mario games? I have but only Mario, Luigi is just that guy who gets forgotten because Mario is always there to save the day before Luigi can. But Luigi just loves it, he's always there saying you did Mario! Mario on he other hand would be a horible person to choose also because he saves the princess but never gets a good reward. Like he dies like 150 times and just comes back to life and saves the princess just to get turned down everytime. So i would choose Luigi just because of that. But it's whatever i just play games just to beat Bowser. I feel bad for Bowser though, always getting beat up by Mario and Luigi just because he has a crush on Peach. If Bowser would just ask out like a normal person, he wouldn't get beat up all the time. Instead he just steals her. I don't understand it at all! What does he have to loose anyways, she practically has to say yes. He has like 200 castles, 1000 servants and magic guys to give him what ever he wants. So when you look at it, I would be Peach, she gets everything she wants and guys chasing after her all the time. But that's just me...

Mario Bros. by Landes

When you think of famous brothers, you think of the Super Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi. Many people have always wanted to be one of them. For me, its just Luigi, I mean anybody can shoot out red fire like Mario. No it takes real talent to be able to shoot out green fire. Luigi has always been undermined by Mario but in all they do the same thing. They're both Italian, have mustaches, and can shoot fire from their hands. They both are there when Peach gets captured by Bowser, but really that happens a lot. Like seriously who constantly gets captured by the same person? And why is Mario always the one saving her? Honestly i think Mario is really pissed off about it and next time that she does, he'll probably just leave her. And Bowser, come on man you've been doing the same thing for years. 1. Capture Peach 2. Get beat up by Mario and Luigi and give her back. Its very repetitive and quite annoying. So if your out there Bowser, I'm asking you as someone who cares, to please stop doing the same thing over and over again.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why we are Pokemon trainers by Landes

Pokemon are the very essence of all living things. If you don't have Pokemon in you life then you are being deprived of a childhood. We, Landes and Lae, happen to be the master at training the pokemon. We have gone to many regions and conquered everyone all the same. We once tried to have Pokemon threesome but that didnt go over to well....But anyway, sometimes when you look for an escape, many people choose drugs but not us. We use Pokemon!! I don't know if we are going to make a video for this blog but if we do, just know it will be on the most epic proportions of epic proportions.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Why we are pokemon Trainers by lae

You see, Pokemon is about love and care. at least thats apparently how you do it in the games... but you see landes and I are Pokemon trainers because we are the best, battle us i dare you, you will never win! We have tricks that you have never seen. i wont say any of them because that would ruin the whole purpose... anyways, Landes and I are the best. I know that you are thinking why are we so good? well because we dont have lives, this is all we do. Its a great life not having friends...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Over reactions by Landes

Have you ever played call of duty? its sooooo angering. Espicially those because of those people who nube tube in hardcore!! I hate them so much! Sometimes i get so mad i throw my controller half way across the room and then send them a very deragative message. They just dont play the game right and they make me cry at night. If you know anyone who freaks out like me send us your video of them freaking out!

Over reactions by Lae

Call of Duty is amazing, i make people so mad, especially when i noob tube in hardcore. i dont understand why people hate us, it is sooooooooo stupid. I will listen to some of the people and they throw their controller, like why? but its whatever, i love it, it fills me up with joy!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Technologie by Landes

Hello world of the internet, otherwise known as technologie. Lae and I are the masters of what you feeble minded fools call technologie. Together we have created a subspace emissary with are minds!! No im just kidding but we have tried....Any ways technologie is what makes this world go round. Its kind of sad that most people couldn't go one day with out them theres cellular telephones. In a video coming soon, Lae and i will insight to the wonderful world of us amish we are blogging right now, only God knows. But please stay tuned and see what happens when we first come across this technologie you all speak of with your fancy language.

Technoligy written by Lae

Technoligy is new to most people, but not me. I am the most technically advanced person in the world. just kidding, I'm second best, it's whatever. i get my skills, through the fantastic world of the television, like spongebob, family guy, you know. soon landes and i will make a video on how advanced we actually are!! because we are the best!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Welcome to Landes and Lae no way by Landes

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Landes and Lae. Throughout a period of 12 weeks or longer we will be showing all of the following. We will show you random videos that may or may not have any relevance to your life at all. Mostly likely probably not....but nonetheless we shall show them! The point of this blog is to make people laugh and realize how normal they really are. So please if you are upset about any videos we post, we will tell you right now, complain about to someone who cares, like your mother, she cares...maybe. For those of you enjoy life and want to show us how you do it, we invite you to create videos just like we do. And if you do post, know that you are subject to humiliation.

What you are going to expect with Landes and Lae no way, written by Lae

In Landes and Lae we are going to have a mega blog, so mega that you will cry either with sadness, laughter or even just because we look funny. we are going to have random and crazy videos and posting about whatever we want to blog about. especially what grinds our gears! we will be exposing you to whatever you want to see as well, so comment on our blog and you we just might make a video or a post about it. this isn't going to just be any type of blog, no, it is going to be more, much more!! we are creating an internet sensation so big that we will eventually rule the entire google world! alright maybe not the entiregoogle world, just 15 percent, if we are lucky. Oh and by the way, we don't care if you get offended, don't come to our blog we don't need your negativity!